And you can see in no way am I as organized as some! I did clean my bag not long ago .... so minus crumbs,kids toys, and pieces of papers with ideas written on any think i can find...And do not ask me why I have over 20!!! lipstick/lip glosses *smacks her head*

-My bags *kisses it* love it!! it's heavy and has ton of cute key chains attached but mmmm still love love it!!
-Huge kick a$ bottle of germX - gotta take care of family and it's huge cause it was hard to find when it was small :)
-Green wallet usually empty - hardly use cash - ton of cards use only one but some just look cute.
-iPod Touch - I now understand the craze over iPhone me want one badly!! (this thing is addicting) from fashion RL runway shows to music and movies it's mini laptop! still want iPhone!
-Make up removing towelettes - i can't wash my face find water too harsh, and this are always handy to have with kids around. (found cheapest brand btw for bag) but recommend L'oreal once they smell sooo good!
-Over 20 lipsticks and glosses and lip pumpers(that poo doesn't work btw or at list on my mean skinny lips!)lol Lipstick all the way to the right next to gloves was bought just cause of pretty case mhm never use it...
-Vintage Gloves - since I live in one of the hottest states... i still don't know why i have them in my purse or even own many more!
-Tiny Mirror - gotta have one of those
- 2 tiny mascaras?? - There just to be there
-Powder and eyeshadow + canceller - that is i leave house with out make up -mhm like that will ever happen!
-Nail file - i keep mine short
-Cell/mobile - with hello kitty charms what can i do they are too cute!
- 2 or 3 perfumes
- Face moisturiser - must have for any girl;)
-Hand cream - can't leave with out it and i'll make anyone around me use it ehehhe
-Neosporin and Advil - my first aid kit heheheh band aid with cute pictures on them are in the car!
- Kids wallet - i know what she will be looking for when she wakes up tomorrow.(more cash then i have)
- 3 hello kitty card holders - I collect card i guess LOL belong to any store you can think of woahahah
-Dillards card? - Oh from make up counter ... mhm told me i look like Uma Thurman (I'm still deciding to take it as complement or not LOL)
-Floss - well you know what that's for! (watch "Get Smart" movie *winks*)
-Tide To Go - REALLY WORKS!!!
-Lysol - mini spray
-Two packs of tissue
-Hair brush
-2Pens and Marker
- Hair ties - by now you know girls dominate in this house LOL
And this is all after cleaning it!!!
perfect timing for challenge other wise you would be horrified!
Please show me more of yours I'm sooo in to this!
Show me contents of your bag and I'll tell you who you are?
hahaha look at all of that chanel lip gloss! we know everyone needs to keep their lips sweet! i love your contents!
lol ... what a chos :D
OH is soo true!! Nadja!!
yes yes lips the shinier the better heehh
Wow, that's quite a lot! Very interesting list, haha.
By the way, I work with Tide To Go... glad to hear you're a fan! :) Did you know we also make Tide To Go Minis now? They're even more convenient.
Also, have you ever seen our "talking stain" commercial from last year's Super Bowl? It's pretty funny... CBS has included it in their top 10 Super Bowl commercials of all time! They're airing a primetime special on it this Saturday. You can check out our commercial here:
If you like it, that would be cool if you voted for it and tuned in. :) I hope you don't me commenting on the blog by the way. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Have a nice day.
Omg Tide/Shawn I love it that you commented:)!!! WOOHOO!!
I do love the Tide to Go recommend it to everyone and i'll have to look for mini one!!!!
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