I'm a bit upset with myself because i wanted to do at least one post a day, and i missed one!(fail) but i have a good excuse! It was a horrible storm here and my Internet wasn't working, good right?
But on a *brighter* note here's my next look! i know i normally blog things that are dark.....to be honest i love black, grey ,white all the shades. Call me safe if you must, but my style just works better without a bunch of bright colors he he. But i am not afraid of color just a bit timid lol! I actually love this and will prob be doing way more colorful looks.
For this look i wanted to do some bright colors and pair them with black , I Completely Love this fringe vest by Giana Paine its so cute and funky and it completely made this look <3.not to mention its a bit indie don't ya think!
Hair: Maitreya Apple - Natural Blond
Tee: Trendy&Company Just Dance Tee
Vest:*GC* Black Cowboy Vest (frays)
Shoes: Maitreya Verve Black
Necklace: (Creamshop) Skull Rhinestone Necklace
Shorts: **THE CLOSET**Balloon Short Pants PNK
Peace \/
Kendall Freenote
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