Aug 5, 2008

Nadja´s Style Adam & Eve

I know Adam & Eve from my first days in Second Life. I bought my first skin there. Adam & Eve have a lot of high qualiy Stuff. They sell skins, shoes, Hair and grown, clothes for man and woman. I will show two of my favorite styls from Sachi Vixen.

On the fist two pic i wear Adam n Eve - Samara in Buttermilk. At the third Pic Adam n Eve - Samara Black. All styles per color are includet. You can wear this dress with a long or with a short dress or with panties and stockings as lingerie .Buttermilk is my favorite color for this style. I love the shiny textur und the lovely applikation. i wear is the Adam n Eve Shoes - Miranda in Ivory to this dress.

Samara Black looks very elegant. Samara ist available in 6 beautiful colors.

I wear at the fourth pic Adam n Eve - Racy blue. This dress has two short skirt options and a lingerie option. It is a very nice short elegant dress for hot summer night Partys.

The red one is stunning too. You can buy this lovley dress in 6 different nice colors.
Check ist out and stop by at Adam & Eve


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