Jul 8, 2009

Midnight Glam

So, I recently got this amazing black sculpted tank from Niniko and i had to share it with the blog! Its very well made and this store has great clothing.. One thing i admire about this designer is that the sculpts match up perfectly with the clothing, I did not see one odd line or glitchy mark.
Despite my recent colorful mood i was feeling dark today so i wanted to blog an all black outfit.
I Paired the baggy tank from Niniko with a skirt from one of my Gisaci dresses to create a short black dress!

Necklace: Heart Necklace Silver

Bag: Creamshop Madrid - Leather weave bag(black)

Hair: ETD Tasha - Espresso

Shoes: Maitreya SoHo Boots 'Black

Tank: Niniko Loose Tank (black)

Skirt: Part of The Armidi Gisaci rainy day dress Black

Kendall Freenote


Beauty Is The Beast said...

Love it ken, you're so good at blogging, btw check out my interview on my blog with GiGi couture girl.

Vain Inc.. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino