Sep 12, 2009

SMS new releases

Hey all! i really love the new releases of so many style omg the texures are amazing!.
The pants are part of the outfit of the gift group from MG , im in love with all the outfit ,comes with this pants , a jacket and a hat , join the group cost 300l.

Skin: Faith_Caramel-Gurl Envious by ATOMIC
Hair: summer chignon by BP
Pants: part of the group gift of [MG fashion] join the group cost 300l
Cardigan: Cardi Coral & Bolero Coral by SMS
Leggins: Pik Pants Burgundy by SMS
Shirt: Clingy Satin Dress in copper by VG
Flower scarf: part of the outfit Maria Cream (navy) by (ELATE!)
Shoes: Salience Cerise by Maitreya Gold
Earring: Flight earring by Lagyo
Bangle: Flight bangle by Lagyo


Vain Inc.. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino