It has been quite some time since I actually made a look of the day. But after a couple hours of playing dress up this afternoon, I felt kind of compelled/inspired to make a little something to show you all after I bought this Gogo Star jacket from Sweetest Good-bye.
The jacket and belt remind me of the things I used to use to play real-life dress up when I was a kid. My mom's closet was pretty much a wonderland for me back then, with all the shoulder pads and giant belts. So due to the sheer awesomeness of this jacket, it's probably going down as my favorite purchase of the year.
I've paired it with Emery's Call Me outfit, fishnets from Redgrave, shoes from AW Design, and some socks I wish I owned in real life from Aoharu. Enjoy! ♥
Full Credits (click to visit):
Hair - Magika Hair - Tuesday - Brown D
Skin - [Pink Fuel] Skye - Scene (dkbrow + hair)
Eyes - :: Genesis :: Twilight Eyes :: Anger (now Exodi)
Lashes - Hair [OH] Lashes :::(~_~)::: Oriental Doll
Jacket - [SG*] GOGO STAR - Black
Tank/Shorts Outfit - Emery - Gift Outfit Call Me!
Fishnets - Fishnet Stockings -soft- / tintable *REDGRAVE* (from Brown Glitter Clubbing Dress)
Shoes - AW Design's Schoo Black
Socks - AOHARU_BT_FlowerSocks Pack in black
Poses - All by [Golden Delish] - Handle Me, Supernatural, and the girl 2 ball from Single Ladies
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