Oct 4, 2009

Nadja´s Style --- Glitz from Mimikri

(click the picture for a larger view)
i wear the new Outfit Glitz from Mimikri. Available in different Colors.
Exklusive made for Glamor Expo 2009


(click the picture for a larger view)

shape: N.B.LOOK! Megan (exklusive at Glamour Expo)
Skin: Redgrave Magan
Hair: Cake - Dakota - Copper Hair
Bag: [LeLutka]-GLEN Top Hendle Bag-MediumOrchid
Gloves: LeeZu Nifnif Gloves
Boots: BAX Prestige Boots Base Brown

(click the picture for a larger view)


Vain Inc.. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino