Hello, I know I haven't blogged in a very long time and want to say sorry, not only have I been busy with everything in real life, like school and work etc but in sl I have been dedicated to my line.
With that being said how is everyone? I hope you all are enjoying the seasonal changes because I certainly am! I wanted to start my blogging return off with a preview from My Fall/Winter collection titled *Manhattan dolls* above is a photo of a few pieces that I hope you all will like.(I know more shameless self promotion) lol.
For this collection I was really inspired by the urban socialite, there is something so exquisite about a woman who is in control and takes charge yet keeps her femininity and I wanted to play with that concept. In this collection you will find knits and a bigger variety of textures in general, there are bright hues mixed and matched with wild patterns and neutrals as well. I feel that this collection is a lot less (hip) than the first, I am still focusing on trends but a lot less then before. Wasted Youth is all about eclecticism and taking trends and recreating them to suit your individual style and I encourage everyone to do this.
Please enjoy And (Im back) :)
Kendall Freenote
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