Yesterday I was checking the feeds as usual, looking to see if there were any new skins or new hairs to make me all excited. Usually my search efforts do not pay off, as I don't find myself desiring to look glossy and elderly like so many skins these days seem to make me look...or like a drag queen in select cases. But yesterday I saw that Keiko Morigi from &Bean had released a new skin line titled The Anger. Instantly I was sure that I needed to check them out, and headed over to her store to demo. Not 10 seconds after I tried on the first demo, Keiko was super awesome and passed me some of the skins, and 2 colors of her Reckoner tanks. I think I pretty much own at least one of everything she has ever released, so to get goodies totally set my birthday weekend off the right way.
I don't usually feel the need to blog things most times, mostly because I suck at blogging, or because just people ask me to do it and I reluctantly do it, but this time I felt like I kinda had to put this out there. The Anger skins are the most unique and imperfect set of skins I have ever owned, and because they aren't perfect and they make your face look so different, that makes them my favorite skins. There is a slight, shiny body glitter feel to them but it's not so heavy that you feel oiled and like your face doesn't match your body. The lips are so soft and lucious, and I love the little bags under the eyes (heavier on me than normal because of my shape - I dig the tired look okay?), and most of all - the eyebrows. The eyebrows are heavy and full of fierceness. I prefer a heavy brow over a pencil thin perfect one any day. My only wish is that there would be a little more definition to the brows, but they are still amazing.
The Anger skins are available in a Pale and a Light tone, with a dark tone coming soon I hear. There are numerous fun and sexy makeups for you to choose from, each just 500L. You can't beat that - a truly fun and unique skin that won't bust you bank. Also, if you check near the entrance, there are 2 special skins for only 50L called Sale at Armidi. They're beat up and battered, like if you fought the masses for a sale at Armidi. So thank you so much for the goodies Keiko; you rocked my birthday weekend. <3>
Apr 10, 2009
&Bean Newness
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