Apr 10, 2009

Zoobys' Babies: I got 2!

I've been getting some gifts this month! The Last one was from Maxwell Graf of Rustica.
You will never guess what it was! Will blog it soon.

And these one I got a week ago
the two babies from dead beat father (no names, you know I'm classy like that). Two
cute babies! I'm not big on writing but i hope i can list at list couple things this precious things can do!

The first is the packaging cute little basket with baby tucked in it! I couldn't stop staring at it.
Then you get 2 babies in the one box (one to give out to partner). And one with loads of menu options for you.
You can hold it you can sit it on the floor and let it crawl. You can bottle/breast feed it. Play pica-boo and it will even blow a kiss!
Ton of clothing options for girl/boy. You can even choose an eye color!
Cute attachments like bunny ears and bows.
This are crazy real looking and they sound like real baby!!
Ok I will admit I get a little freaked out by babies RL and SL™.
But these grew on me and I think they are fab accessory! Pfft yes i said it! :P
mhm you will see more of this from me! LOL


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